Women participation in the economy

Women participation in the economy

Women ought to serve as much as men if a country needs to progress economically. Pakistan has a very balanced population in terms of men to women ratio. Half of the population comprises of women and most of them are the ones who don’t have any jobs and didn’t participate in the economic activity. Pakistani society is conservative in its core where the majority of the people still take it as a shame if the female members of their family earn. In the changing world, increasing necessities and the poor of our economy puts great pressure on the only breadwinners of the family and it becomes difficult for such families to sustain. For the proper upbringing of the children and to meet the ends, more than one member of the family must earn to support the family.

Women somehow realize the need to stand on their feet as a financially independent woman can take their decisions in the best of her interests. A working woman holds her own ground, knows her potential and doesn’t allow anyone to harass her or bully her. Recently, people have started to spend on the education of their women to make them able to face any situation in their life. In societies like ours, the change is never abrupt. It takes time to change the set patterns, defies the old customs and traditions and breaks the chains of family’s honor and emotional blackmailing.

Women have come forward to participate in almost all the public and private sectors, setting the new boundaries for themselves. They aren’t restricting them to the defined jobs for them but are exploring new arenas for them, new spheres to experiment their abilities and to challenge themselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

Employment Conditions of women in Pakistan

The society is and will be critical of the ones who set out to challenge the status quo and who refuses to accept the hegemony of the few and doesn’t allow others to tell them of their limits, their potential, and their space. Women are unapologetically in their resolve to change the old traditions, and enthusiastic to participate in every field of their interest. We have women fighter pilots’ today breaking the taboo that women cannot compete with men in the battlefield. We have women engineers, doctors, lawyers, social activist, and soldiers, you name it and women will be working in that field. Women are building the name of our country in sports, athletics, and mountaineering, motorbiking. All of this shows that if a woman is determined to achieve something, she will no matter what comes in the way. 

Teaching Jobs for Women in Pakistan

Women are serving as the new ideas for many around, they are inspiring many young girls to dream of anything they want to and ace it. Documentaries and movies are being made on the life of incredible women who have done amazing stuff. The movie on the life of a girl who motorbiked through entire Pakistan was a hit in Pakistan a few months back. It has also helped us break the stereotype that working women cannot make homes, women are working and earning for their families and to make a name for their country, to help their country prosper economically and socially.


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  • ROMAN ULLAH LODHI 17 / Oct / 2019

    i can learn from this site
